Justice Does Not Come Without A Fight®

Domestic Violence Arrests And Prosecutions Continue To Rise

Individuals involved in relationships have arguments and disagreements. However, not all arguments and disagreements rise to the level of behavior that should warrant an arrest. In New York, domestic violence is not confined to spouses but may also include ex-spouses, domestic partners, parents and children, and boyfriends and girlfriends.

The penalties associated with domestic violence can be serious and life-altering. These penalties can range from incarceration, probation, significant fines, mandatory counseling and the issuance of orders of protection that may effectively evict the individual from his or her home.

When A Misunderstanding Results In An Arrest, You Need An Experienced Attorney 

Given the nature and consequences of these charges, law enforcement agencies do not hesitate to make an arrest simply upon the word of the complainant. Therefore, it is imperative that you do not hesitate to retain skillful and experienced legal counsel whenever you are charged with such an offense.

Contact Our Skilled Criminal Defense Team Right Away

The attorneys at Martello & LaMagna, P.C., are here to defend you and protect your rights when charged with a domestic violence charge, and will utilize their vast experience as both former prosecutors and defense attorneys to guide you to a successful outcome. Call our office at 516-228-3333​ or email us to schedule a consultation.